bKash Merchant Account Number: 01868 5000 70
bKash payment is FREE ! We do not charge extra for any bKash Payments.
How to pay to bKash Merchant?
You can make payment from your bKash Account to us by following:
Go to bKash Mobile Menu by dialing *247#
Choose Payment.
Enter our bKash merchant Account Number: 01868 5000 70. [without the white spaces]
Enter your billing amount.
Enter a reference* against your payment [Please put your EMAIL ADDRESS or PHONE NUMBER (the phone number in your profile) as Reference].
Enter the counter number* (put 301 there)
Now enter your bKash Mobile Menu PIN to confirm
Done! You will receive a confirmation message from bKash.
Please email us the `Transection ID` and `Reference Number` to email: bill@w3sell.com